Archives: front page

published Nov 14, 2008, last modified Dec 30, 2022

Jordan Peterson and Alex Epstein sit down to discuss energy, climate and other current topics.

Every time a carbonhysteric tells you that we're all gonna die because our CO₂ production is going to make Earth into Venus, show him this graphic.

The second war on cryptography is not going to be like the first one. This time, it's not just private communications at stake — pardon the pun — but rather the foundation of sound economies itself.

Despite their mightiest efforts, the pricks at the FATF and their sycophants in national organizations have not yet been able to completely stamp out the trade of Bitcoin under free, voluntary, private and consensual terms.

When you hear it said that climate cultists are thinly-veiled Communists, pay close attention. Often, "climate" is merely a dog whistle — a pretext to implement the socialist policies, presented as "solutions" to "the climate crisis", that the cultists so ardently desire.

Watch Matt Walsh outline the well-known formula, used by a video show host, to reprogram his audience into rejecting obvious truths, and hating those who speak them.

A glimpse into how the United Nations and Google collude — to privilege their catastrophist dogma, above all other information regarding climate change.