Explicación del odio anti EE.UU.

publicado 16/10/2001 , Última modificación 26/06/2013

Un colaborador en Kuro5hin está respondiendo con razones lógicas a quienes no pueden entender por qué hay tanto odio anti EE.UU. en el mundo. Queda claro que no es odio contra el estilo de vida occidental, es odio específicamente contra los EE.UU.

Cito: It is these double standards that leads Bin Laden to accuse the West of hypocrisy, and allows the Muslim world to be such fertile ground for his rhetoric. And it is the failure of the West to understand this that leads Bush to say things like, `I just can't believe it because I know how good we are.' British Prime Minister, Tony Blair began to realize this when he said, `One thing becoming increasingly clear to me is the need to upgrade our media and public opinion operations in the Arab and Muslim world'.

He can make a start by upgrading his foreign policies in those very same areas.
