published Nov 13, 2008, last modified Dec 30, 2022

A shill for truth. Defiant heresy on cultural matters. Free software, voluntaryism and cypherpunk. Established 1999.

This is how the transition from a high-trust society to a low-trust society looks like. "Bruh, why does the meat have anti-shoplifting stuff on it?" Simply because barbarians from the area won't stop stealing it — not because of a local grocers' conspiracy.

Forms of evil with a name are easier to spot than nameless evils.

We at don't know either way, but this conspiracy theory is truly sensational.

As most of the world slowly ends pandemic lockdowns and mandates, we must never forget the perversity of all those COVID-obsessed authoritarians who called for making the "unvaccinated" a kulak class.

You may have learned in school that zeroes after the fractional — the digits after the comma — are useless. With Bitcoin, they might not be.

A message to the lockdownistas and COVIDians who want everyone else forced into unwanted medical treatments and isolations.

In the latest escalation against the Freedom Convoy, the Trudeau regime has given itself permission to sabotage the finances of everyone they accuse of "wrongdoing" — no evidence, sentence or even court order required.

Is it fair for sheep to be recruiting more sheep?

Don't dare think outside the box you were prescribed.