A shill for truth. Defiant heresy on cultural matters. Free software, voluntaryism and cypherpunk. Established 1999.
The latest release of Plone just hit the shelves, and we're right on track delivering the RPM releases for your CentOS and Fedora.
A.K.A. if you are a believer, it will be mighty hard to get you to recognize your mistakes.
Intellectual property defenders talk about the fact that you "created your idea" or "put labor in your invention" as the reason why they own these ideas and inventions. They are wrong.
When we discuss copyrights and patents with others, there's always someone who insists that they are forms of property. They are not, and here's why.
Across time, "geniuses" have proposed to abolish the concept of property in order to (among other "noble goals") get rid of theft. That's just pure folly, and here's why.
To the extent this phrase suggests a society in which all are governed by neutral rules that are objectively applied by judges, there is no such thing.
This is what the future of music will be like. In the meantime, enjoy. This is fucking hilarious.
The morons writing the game need to game up on elementary computing.
How racism was manufactured and (is still being) used to keep poor people powerless and powerful interests in power.
Those two Plone products seem to never get along. Here's a hot fix for Plone 3.0.x users that will make the excellent qSEOptimizer by QuintaGroup work just fine along with Plone Documentation Center (PHC) and Plone Software Center (PSC).
Plone is pretty secure by default. Unfortunately, as an administrator, having to log in each time you restart your browser is extremely annoying. Here's how to bypass that.
A mere three days into his mandate, President Hope has already ordered a missile strike.
A small trick that will help you when you need a file that is multi-gigabytes in size, but you don't have hours to wait for it to be written to disk.
ZFS is the best filesystem ever invented. And FUSE brings it to Linux. There are, however, some caveats you need to keep in mind if you want to start it properly.
But the bullies say to the victims that "the rules are universal".
Now you can convert your videos in Linux, in the easiest and most straightforward way.
When minor computer trouble makes you drop out of college, it's time to examine your conscience, and recognize the massive failbag you are.
I've written a small application to create bootable, multi-purpose USB drives out of Ubuntu images.
Got a thumb USB drive or an SD card, and you'd like to put Linux on it? Did the other HOWTOs fail you? This is the real deal, through and through. This trick also works out-of-the-box with Kubuntu and other Ubuntu variants as well. Moreover, you can adapt it with very few changes to any other live CD Linux distributions out there.
For the past two hundred years, no person claiming to be educated could have possibly entertained the idea that we are here due to "intelligent design". A ten-minute blitzglance into elementary biology makes that fact painfully obvious to evolution denialists.
Do you have a Realtek card driven by the r8169 driver, and you're experiencing SSH, SSL or rsync errors associated to the error message "Disconnected: Corrupted MAC on input"? Do you download large files only to find them corrupted? Here's the solution.