Stats time: February 2006

published Mar 01, 2006 , last modified Dec 03, 2020

It's that time of the year again. The time when I share with you a few interesting facts about this site and its visitors.

First off, let me say this: traffic has seen steady growth. Bsuite is now reporting 2600 visitors per day, in average. In total, this weblog has served more than 108000 page views.

Other quick facts:

February has also seen the highest blogging activity since, ever! With 60 posts (in this short month), I'm happy to say that I've broken the ceiling again (set in January with 58 posts).

To conclude this note: finally, Google is assigning this site a PageRank value (which for now equals 5). That's great news: I finally appear in Google search result pages! Have a great day!