A new Beryl demo for your pleasure
Input-enabled zoom is what's keeping me from moving to Compiz Fusion:
What you're seeing is Beryl compositing my desktop (1024x768) while playing one chapter of House M.D. in a window. Later you see me dragging the "cube" (I have a triangle setup) with desktop alpha transparency enabled, and the kiba-dock at the bottom. Finally, you see me zooming in (I have the side buttons on my IntelliMouse Explorer mapped to zoom in/out).
As I said before, it's the input-enabled zoom that's keeping me on Beryl instead of moving to Compiz Fusion. Plus, no window decorator seems to work with Compiz Fusion. However, I do feel Compiz Fusion go much faster -- therefore, I wish I could use it.
This video was captured with the Beryl video capture plugin, and filtered to AVI using the following script:
#!/bin/bash cd "$1" for a in *.seom ; do kdialog --passivepopup "Starting to encode $a" & seom-filter "$a" | mencoder - -ovc xvid -xvidencopts bitrate=1200 -o "$2"/"$a".avi kdialog --passivepopup "Video $a finished encoding" & done
because the seom
program demanded a seom-x264
thingie I didn't have.