Switzerland is on the road to climate Communism too
Switzerland begins to ban effective fuels for home heating purposes. Perhaps Switzerland was not that exceptional, and in the end will follow the frantic speedrun of the West towards totalitarian centralism.

SOS: Swiss High-Court violates property rights.
Climate policy occupies the courts: is the State doing too little for the environment and is it therefore violating the human rights of climate seniors? Or, on the contrary, is the State overdoing it with the measures and illegally interfering with the rights of motorists and homeowners? What must the state do - and what is it allowed to do?
This much has been clear since this week: the State can ban fossil-fuel heaters. This was decided by the Federal Supreme Court in a groundbreaking judgment on Wednesday.
So says the article at Blick (archived here) about a Swiss Federal Supreme Court decision. Heating your home has been deemed illegal as of now if the heating is powered by fossil fuels — to wit, the most effective, cheapest, and energy-dense fuels that private individuals can purchase, store and use today.
The decision notes that only renewable (translation: unreliable) sources of energy will be allowed in the future for the purposes of heating. Diesel and gasoline cars will soon be prohibited too. And you can bet diesel, gas and gasoline generators will follow suit — because the stated enemy is the private use of any energy-dense, effective, private means of power generation and storage. If the trajectory of other places says anything, you can expect gas ranges and grills to meet the same fate. Chimneys are already illegal in many places too, so even wood — though not dense like gas, and definitely not fossil, but certainly privately usable — won't be an option anymore.
What does this mean in practice? It means you will soon no longer have the option of being energy-independent.
Let's set aside for a moment the matter of principle that striving for independence is virtuous and responsible, and the fact that independence affords you options when things don't go as planned.
What happens when things really do go bad? What is your contingency plan?
If the State decides as a vendetta to cut you or your community off from the power grid during winter, what happens to you and your loved ones?
What if the State's mismanagement of power generation causes a national rationing scenario? If you have been in Switzerland for over six months, you already know that the Swiss government has severely weakened the country's power supply with the destruction of perfectly-operational nuclear fission plants. What happens if France is bombed, and they can't supply power to Switzerland anymore? Switzerland used to be a net exporter, and now is a is a net purchaser, of electric power.
I insist: what is your contingency plan?
Solar panels, you say? You will not be able to heat your home using the meager winter Sun. You certainly cannot install a wind turbine in your property either. Batteries? How do you plan to charge your batteries in an outage? If the solar cells can't heat your home in winter, it's just basic physics that they certainly cannot both heat your home and charge your batteries. Maybe you want to get arrested for buying a petroleum-powered generator or its fuel in a black market? Oh, you'll burn wood or coal then. You think that'll stay legal? Coal? My friend — coal is public enemy numero uno, and chimneys in new buildings already are illegal for the most part. And what about the people who just can't afford the tens of thousands of francs these "renewable sources" cost (don't forget they bad in roughly ten years, and have to be repurchased)?
You get the idea. If your contingency plan is to wait for the State to graciously fix your crisis — which they either caused or were unable to prevent — then you have no contingency plan... or, putting it in a different way, your true contingency plan was to sit quietly and die.
The sobering truth is that, a Swiss winter without a reliable source of heat will kill you. Statistically speaking, the poorer you are, the faster you'll feel that cold, cold embrace of death. In any case, as the Swiss government presses forward with its openly-stated policy of destroying access to privately-usable and effective energy sources, soon you will not be going anywhere in your precious electric skateboard car, you will not be grilling anything to eat, and you will certainly not be burning anything to stay warm and avoid death. You will have only whatever electricity they deign to give you, and no more.
What rationale does the article cite for this decision?
«Das öffentliche Interesse überwiegt die Bedenken hinsichtlich der Eigentumsgarantie»
"The interests of the public override the concerns of private owners."
That is all you need to know where this is all going. That right there — the belief that your property rights are worthless if someone utters a pretext in the name of the "common good" — is textbook Communist doctrine. It bears reminding, of course, that the exact same doctrine of "the common good" was the historical doctrine of the other infamous Socialists — the Fascists and the Nazis — as well, and that the worst atrocities on Earth have always been committed under the pretext that "the common good takes precedence over the private individual and his things".
«Durch Umstellung auf erneuerbare Energien beim Heizen können wir Emissionen relativ einfach vermeiden.»
"By switching to renewable energies for heating, we can avoid emissions relatively easily", in euphemism-free English of people doing things, means arresting and imprisoning people who peacefully and privately install gas or oil heating, in their own homes, at their own expense.
The goal of the Communist is to establish Communism. Full Communism means you are one hundred percent enslaved to the whims of the State. To the Communist, private property is the most dreaded enemy, because private property makes you prosperous, and prosperity reduces your dependence on the State. As such, violating your property rights by putting you in prison, as revenge for wanting to use an independent, abundant power source such as gasoline, is merely another of the many ways in which the State makes you dependent on it, and deliberately steals your ability to make decisions and engage in activities for yourself. The fewer options you have, the more the State can dictate how you can live your life, where you can go, what you can do, when you can move, and ultimately what you can even conceive of. Threatening you with imprisonment for building your new home with an oil-powered furnace, means you in your new home are in practice dependent on the State for your heating needs in your new home. Either you in prison, or you dependent on the State for heating, are acceptable outcomes for the Communist, and if you don't like it, it sucks to be you.
Other places which succumbed to Communism (from Russia to Venezuela) can tell us how this looks like. Do you think the average contemporary Venezuelan or former DDR subject can / could even conceive of "oh, I'll just pop into my car and go visit you now". What "car"? With what fuel? No. These activities were all prohibited by the State in one way or another — either directly by government decree, or indirectly by other government decrees that made it impossible to have things required to engage in these activities. Maybe just take the fucking bus... if there's any. But well, at least in most of Venezuela, you won't freeze to death.
And with that stroke of a pen, the end goal of Global Communism gets a little bit closer than before. Those of you who thought Switzerland was a special place, where property rights were still a thing at least for the foreseeable future, will soon find out that no cultures — not even the famously "independent" Swiss — are immune to a global, total invasion of ideological psychopaths.