"Indigenous harmony with nature" is a perverse lie
There is no one more eco-successful than Western Man. Here's how to keep that going.

This post is a backup of an excellent long-form tweet by Devon Eriksen.
African and American indigenous cultures did not "live in harmony with nature".
They simply lacked the technological power to inflict widespread ecological harm in many cases. In others, they could, and in fact did, drive many species to extinction.
But this, of course, is something leftists try their hardest to memory-hole, because their philosophy is driven by envy, and has pulling down the world's successful and happy people as its goal. Therefore, any ecological harm, moral failing, rape, torture, genocide, etc, by non-dominant (non-white) cultures must be excused or ideally ignored.
What the Jared Diamonds, and other communists, of this world do not want you to realize is that, not only are some cultures just plain better than others, but this is usually reflected in every single aspect of their behavior and impact on the world.
Just as Western civilization is technologically the best, economically the best, and morally the best, it is also ecologically the best.
Leftists have trouble grasping this, because their imaginations simply don't expand very well to modelling things they can't see, but have indirect evidence for. Otherwise, they would not be leftists.
So they look around New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, Portland, or whatever dense concrete hive they live in, and they see this:
Complete and total ecological destruction. There is absolutely no way to see any hint of what the original, pre-human ecosystem of Manhattan island was like, because it has been entirely replaced by concrete, rats, pigeons, cockroaches, and lots and lots of unhappy human beings.
That's what they see.
That's what's right in front of their noses.
So that's what they believe in.
They seldom if ever leave their cities and see this:
Which is what your typical highway in Tennessee looks like.
Yeah, sure, there's a big-ass road, but that's the whole point. You don't even have to leave the road to see how much of the non-human ecosystem is intact and thriving.
Most of America looks like this. Not exactly, of course — biomes vary considerably — but in terms of the ratio of man-made stuff to wilderness, this is representative.
And we manage to support 350 million people this way. The vast majority of the ecological damage is confined to tiny concrete hives we call "big cities", not because they are actually big, which they aren't, not compared to the rest of America, but because we use that term to mean "lots of people".
So ecological damage inflicted by Western civilization is a lot more limited and localized than leftists imagine. If they had the sort of brains that understood concepts like per capita, they'd realize that non-Western primitive tribal cultures only inflict less ecological harm because they have far less people. Per person, they inflict far more.
And once they become more populous, using the benefits of borrow Western technology, they are the most destructive of all, both per capita and in absolute terms.
Not only that, Western civilization is the only one which has ever consciously taken significant pains to preserve the non-human environment.
While the third world fills its rivers with garbage and human excrement, and China pumps absurd levels of industrial smoke into the sky, Americans are trying to save a stupid endangered goldfish that only lives in a puddle in a crack in the middle of Death Valley.
Western culture, as created and managed by white people, is absurdly altruistic compared to the human baseline.
But leftists don't want to punish people for being bad.
They want to punish people for being successful.
So they don't investigate bad things to see which culture did them. They investigate Western culture to see what bad things it did. Then they amplify what they find, and if they don't find enough to justify their hatred, they just make shit up and lie.
This is why they lecture you for running your air conditioner in summer. It's not because you are actually warming the planet more than others, or even, arguably, at all.
Hell, here in Tennessee, we run our air conditioners off radiothermal steam generators which emit zero greenhouse gases of any kind.
No, you're getting a lecture because you are rich enough to own an air conditioner and run it when you please, and because you are altruistic enough to actually care about the planet and people other than yourself, and therefore vulnerable to lectures.
Other cultures not only aren't taken in by environmental scams, they don't give a shit about actual environmental damage. That's why you're using paper straws while Africans, Indians, and Chinese use their oceangoing rivers as a garbage disposal service.
You are being targeted because you are a patsy. A sucker. A soft touch. Naive. Gullible.
You were raised by a high-trust, high-tech, first world, white, altruistic, cooperative, pro-social culture.
This is great for building civilization, creating technological wonders, improving life for everyone, and eventually colonizing the stars themselves, but it makes you vulnerable to people who ain't like that.
And books like "Guns, Germs, and Steel" are one of the many, many weapons they use to target you, target your sense of social responsibility and altruism, so they can sabotage your society and steal your stuff.
That sense of social responsibility and altruism did not evolve to make you a free stuff factory for low-IQ grifters and third world barbarians.
It evolved to make you cooperate with other people like you, so that together you could accomplish great things.
In order to defend yourself from this kind of attack, while still retaining the pro-social, cooperative behaviors that make your people, and your civilization, the best people, and the best civilization, you need to develop a specific defense mechanism.
Leftists call it "racism".
But of course, that doesn't tell you what it is or how to develop it, because leftists call everything "racism", including running your air conditioner, being able to do math, getting enough sleep, noise ordinances, living in neighborhoods where everything isn't covered in trash and graffiti, and so on.
What you actually must develop is ingroup preference.
You must not only prefer the company of people who look, talk, and act like you, which everyone is already doing... you must also limit your altruism and trust to that set of people.
Who are those people?
Well, it's tricky.
Used to be that you could just rely on looking at race, or shared culture. But many of the people in your culture, the people like you, have already had their trust and altruism exploited, and they have been weaponized against other people like them... against you.
They are members of your culture, using the aspects of your culture, to pull down and destroy your culture.
And they believe, they sincerely believe, they are the good guys who are doing the right thing.
Watch your backs out there.