Archives: front page logo (white).svg Archives: front page published Nov 14, 2008 , last modified Dec 30, 2022 Bug in AutoMeta plugin for WordPress Common mistakes that lead to invalid XHTML On blog validation and Section 508 compliance Rudd-O's Wordspew 2.1 is out RevvedUp 1.4 is out Is HTML/XHTML validation important? Plone vs. Joomla!: the battle for standards compliance Survival guide for Guayaquil My newest WordPress plugin: Rudd-O's Wordspew RevvedUp 1.3.2 has been released RevvedUp 1.3 is up! The new wave of spam in WordPress blogs: intelligent spam Using Google AdSense channels Blogging Pro News picked up the RevvedUp theme! Have you ever heard about a secret law? The truth about the Windows WMF exploit The nth nail on the Intelligent Design coffin: bees evolved to fly WordPress AutoLink 0.2.1 released TagMogrifier 0.2.1 released Do you want to learn regular expressions? PHP code to get exchange rates between currencies Tips for a shy girl God and the imagination UPS monitor 0.7 is released The happiness broker El Universo, parcializado en contra de las mujeres UPS monitor 0.6 is now online! Relato incompleto de una historia ajena Company is overrated User Interface Design for Programmers - Chapter 1 < Previous 30 items 1 ... 31 32 33 34 35 Next 13 items >