Archives: front page

published Nov 14, 2008, last modified Dec 30, 2022

A copy of the long-since memory-holed article on Wikipedia detailing the concept of cultural Marxism — a colloquialism used to describe the critical theory work of the Frankfurt school.

An examination about what "The People" really means, in plain English of people doing things, and the perversities it gets twisted into.

Marxism 2: Electric Boogaloo! A short exposé of the three toxic pillars of neoprogressivism – political correctness, identity politics, and postmodernism – analyzed and buried.

The irrational illiberal illogic of liars who say they want free speech, but only for their coidearies, exposed concisely in a very short video.

A mini-documentary that examines the rise and radicalization of collectivist authoritarianism which threatens the fundamental moral, social and legal values underpinning our modern societies.

Follow the misadventures of the young lady who was tricked by the creepiest of creeps.