Archives: front page logo (white).svg Archives: front page published Nov 14, 2008 , last modified Dec 30, 2022 Cats that look like Hitler What WordPress 2.1.4 (or 2.2) has in store for us Wrote a tutorial on validation and WordPress Abstinence: it doesn't work On obedience and discipline Enjoy: Favicons! Going against the grain Why do you blog? Markdown is great How to move your WordPress blog to a new Web host or address Turbocharged got upgraded Dating: competitive manipulation Have a blog or a Web site? You better not do these things CoComment: awesome! Webmaster: dead on arrival Evolution isn't logical? One-person businesses Sorry, Marin Type these six letters, you retard! Child pornography vs. murder Evidence wins OkCupid!: it's different (and great) What DRM is about Offending your audience for fun and profit: how to say controversial things How to steal credit card numbers Airport security Religious bigotry: my God has a longer penis than yours Right after the iPhone, the Zune Phone! The wonderful journey of a blog post Saddam kicking the bucket < Previous 30 items 1 ... 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 ... 35 Next 30 items >